This page contains forms, booklets, disclosures and link useful to homebuyers.


The forms below are basic forms that are used in the mortgage application process. To learn more about each individual form, please contact us.

Adobe Acrobat is required to view these forms. The free Acrobat viewer may be downloaded by clicking here.

Loan Disclosure Packet U.S. Internal Revenue Service ( IRS ) Form 4506T CHARM Booklet. A must read for anyone considering an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) Predatory Lender Caution: Unscrupulous lenders and how to recognize them

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

The The Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) promotes the accuracy,fairness and privacy of information in the files of consumer reporting agencies. Click here for a summary of your rights. For more information, including your additional rights under the FCRA, go to or write to: Consumer Response Center, Room 130-A. Federal Trade Commision, 600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580.

Official Free Credit Report


Mortgage Bankers Association of America Consumer Information

The Mortgage Bankers Association of America is the primary association representing the real estate finance industry. Their consumer information site contains several tools and guides to aid in purchasing or refinancing a home.

Federal Reserve Board Consumer Information

The Federal Reserve Board maintains a web page with consumer information, including a section on home mortgages. The section covers topics such as finding the best mortgage and understanding ARMs.

Homebuyer Education by Freddie Mac

Freddie Mac is a publicly held corporation chartered by Congress to increase the supply of funds that mortgage lenders, such as commercial banks, mortgage bankers, savings institutions and credit unions, can make available to homebuyers and multifamily investors. This Freddie Mac site offers a step-by-step tutorial on the home buying decision process and the mortgage application process.

Industry Publications

Professional Associations

Industry Standard Links

United States Postal Service Official Movers Guide

What happens after you complete the purchase process? This U.S. Postal Service site provides all kinds of tools and tips to help make the moving process easier.

This site contains links to third-party web sites. Any links on this web site are provided solely as a convenience to you and not as an endorsement by Atlantic Mortgage Services Inc. of the content on such third-party web sites, or an endorsement of its operators. Atlantic Mortgage is not responsible for the content of linked third-party sites, including without limitation any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to a linked site, and does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of material on such third-party web sites.

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